Lose Weight Today


If you’re looking in the mirror and feel unhappy with your weight, Laser Loft has the treatment options and technology to help you today. Lipo is a life changing treatment that provides dramatic results immediately. During a Lipo session, the body’s core temperature is raised, which stimulates sweat production and allows the body to release toxins, fats through the sweat glands. By penetrating approximately 1.5 inches into the body, infrared can promote the release of toxins, fats, and cholesterol that is not replaced when you rehydrate.

During a single Full Body Lipo Session, the body can burn 600 calories and release up to 20% of  fats and toxins, this is in comparison to about 3-5% released during traditional exercise.

  • Benefits of 30 min RELAXING treatments 2-3 times weekly:

  • Weightloss 

  • Inch loss

  • Pain reduction/ Arthritis 

  • Detoxification 

  • Relieves Stress and anxiety 

  • Relaxation 

  • Skin tightening 

  • Collagen Remodeling 

  • Break Down Scar Tissue

  • Improves Metabolism

  • Diminishes Varicose Veins and Spider Veins

What are you waiting for? Lose weight immediately and feel better about yourself.


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